Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Adoption T-Shirts

 As many of you know, Adam and I are in the process of adopting our second child.  We are excited for where this next journey is going to take us! We ask that you keep us and the journey we are on in your prayers.  We feel that God has called us to grow our family again through adoption and that there is another perfect child out there for us just as Grayson is! Along with that prayer we ask that you pray for the birth family.  We know the decision to give up their baby for adoption will not come easily.  We already look forward to the gift this family will give us with gratefulness in our hearts. Adoption can be quite expensive and we are confident God will provide just as he did with Grayson's adoption.  If you would like to support us financially we are offering the opportunity to purchase t-shirts. Our home study has been approved so now we wait for a birth mother to choose our family to welcome home a new baby.   If you would like to help, we are asking for a donation of $20 for adult (sizes S-XXL) and $17 donation for kids(sizes xs-xl). There are a few ways you can purchase: you can send me a message on Facebook with your size and pay me with cash or check later or use our paypal account if you want to use a debit/credit card. If you pay with Paypal please make sure and leave a message with the size you want. We ask that you add $5 per order (not shirt) if it will need to be shipped and add your address! We have to have a certain number before we can order so it may take a couple of weeks before the shirts arrive.  Please pass this along to anyone that you may feel would be interested in a t-shirt.   We appreciate all of your support and prayers during this time.  Many of you experienced Grayson's adoption with us and we are so grateful to have such supportive friends and family.  God has definitely blessed our family!    Thanks again, Natalie and Adam
  Matthew 18:5, Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.